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James Pickering QC and Samuel Hodge recently appeared on behalf of the Claimants (Hotel Portfolio II UK Limited and its liquidator) in a 2-day consequentials hearing following their success at trial on a fraud claim brought against HPII’s former director, Andy Ruhan, and a dishonest assistant, Anthony Stevens.

Foxton J ordered the Defendants to jointly and severally pay the Claimants £102.26m plus £59.9m of compound interest.

The Consequentials Judgment is below: [2022] EWHC 1695 (Comm). It addresses issues such as (a) when declarations are appropriate; (b) joinder of third parties post-judgment; (c) the justification for awards of compound interest against dishonest assistants; (d) joint and several costs orders; (e) payment of costs on account; (f) whether costs of s.236 applications against third parties can be treated as costs “of and incidental to” proceedings; (g) interest on costs; (h) the evidence expected on applications for stays of execution and for time to pay; and (i) the appropriateness of imposing conditions on an appeal, including whether a party should required to pay the judgment debt into Court.
James and Sam were instructed by Spring Law Limited.